Posts Tagged ‘Lehman Brothers’

NewsUnwrapped (NU) tries very hard to be as apolitical —and fact oriented — as possible.

So regardless of how you fall on the WikiLeaks controversy, the fact is that the raw exposure we have all been privy to has not only sent shock waves around the world, but has shed a whole new ‘bright light’ onto the very strong influence that our biggest creditor, China, put on the U.S., at our weakest, most vulnerable moment.

No shocker here, but interesting to see the facts manifest themselves in black-and-white, in the form of undisputed State Department cables that were flying during the financial meltdown.

In a fascinating CNBC article, China Flexes Muscles With US As Biggest Creditor: WikiLeaks, “confidential diplomatic cables from the U.S. embassies in Beijing and Hong Kong lay bare China’s growing influence as America’s largest creditor.”

Check out the full article ...